Saturday, 28 July 2012

A bit about me...

I should let you know, for whoever is viewing this, a little about myself.
I started drawing a year ago. To be truthful, I've always drawn or turned to attempting to paint all through my life. But it wasn't till a year ago I started attending school for it. 
So here I am in the summer break, with 3 more years of school ahead of me and a lifetime of learning. That was one thing I realized, that I would never be satisfied with my work. 
I hope in the coming year to learn to use Photoshop, learn anatomy, and learn more techniques and loosen up around painting.

This is a sample from my life drawing sketchbook from January of this year til now.
Enjoy and please feel free to comment or critique!

Thanks for viewing!


  1. "Genius is eternal patience."-michael angelo buonarotti

    keep working crystal..

    1. Thank you for that quote ;) Always working, and I like your sketches as well, keep em up!
